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Shuyang Chengji Industrial Co.,Ltd
Add:Shenwei Industrial park, Zhaxia town,Shuyang county,Jiangsu province,China

International Department:
Mr.George Lee, Tel/WhatsApp:+86-18552725520
Industry News

Timber industry is expected to boom

Entering the fourth quarter, many places began to sprint their full-year economic development goals, focusing on investment projects, on the one hand, grabbing the golden period of construction in the fourth quarter, intensively promoting and expanding key investment projects, on the other hand, using the "14th Five-Year Plan" Planning has been an opportunity to plan for a number of major project investments and start the reserve for key projects next year. October will usher in the intensive start of major investment projects, and there will also be more places to start the next stage of investment project reserves, which will also drive the demand for timber formwork, and the timber formwork industry is also expected to continue to boom.



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